Grange: Labour at Home this Labour Day

Kingston, 8 May 2020 – The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, says this year’s Labour Day will be celebrated under the theme, Labour at Home.

Minister Grange said the theme is in keeping with "the need for social distancing and the ban on large gatherings as we fight the spread of Covid-19.”

Minister Grange said “Jamaicans will be asked to use Labour Day to clean up, paint up and fix up their own home environments.”

However, she said the National Workers’ Week and Labour Day Committee is giving consideration to having national and parish projects which can be implemented without putting anyone’s health at risk or breaching the Disaster Risk Management Regulations.

Labour Day will be observed on Monday, 25 May 2020 as the culmination of Workers’ Week from May 17 to 25.

Workers’ Week and Labour Day activities are coordinated by the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development.


Minister's charge

Let’s go re-ignited towards a great future for Jamaica with renewed faith, courage and dedication.

Olivia Grange


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