Devastating to lose ‘Bunny’ Diamond in same week as ‘Tabby’ Diamond

  • 02 Apr 2022

Kingston, 1 April 2022 - The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, has said, “It is devastating to lose Fitzroy ‘Bunny’ Simpson, another member of the Mighty Diamonds, in the same week as the leader of group, Donald ‘Tabby’ Shaw, who was killed on Monday night, March 28.”

Minister Grange was reacting to Mr Simpson’s passing this afternoon at the National Chest Hospital. He had recovered from a stroke which he got in 2017 and more recently was recovering from covid-19. He was taken in for a check-up this morning, was admitted, and died later.

Minister Grange said, “This double loss is really devastating. It is hard to believe that two members of the Mighty Diamonds would pass within days of each other.

“I gave assistance to Bunny by providing him with a wheel chair and physiotherapy equipment and was constantly in touch with his daughter, Ronece.

“My deepest sympathy goes out to Ronece, to his other daughters, Gillian and Rosemarie; and to his sons Dillion, Omar and Allan and of course to the remaining Diamond, Lloyd ‘Judge’ Ferguson, who with Tabby and Bunny, formed the Mighty Diamonds. I extend sympathy also to his friends and associates to the music fraternity.

“Rest in peace, ‘Mighty Diamond’ - Fitzroy ‘Bunny’ Simpson, and may light perpetual shine on you.”


Minister's charge

Let’s go re-ignited towards a great future for Jamaica with renewed faith, courage and dedication.

Olivia Grange


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