Minister Grange Happy with Corporal McBean becoming the first Woman to Head the Jamaica Police Federation



The Honourable Olivia Grange, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport says she is delighted by the news that for the first time a woman, in the person of Corporal Arlene McBean, has been selected Chairman of the Jamaica Police Federation.


Minister Grange said that she is leading all the women of Jamaica in congratulating Woman Corporal McBean “and I am inviting all the men to join us in saluting this wonderful achievement which represents breaking of the class ceiling of the Federation.”

Woman Corporal McBean was selected the Chairman by the executive body of the Federation at its annual conference yesterday. She is the training and development director on the organisation’s executive board.

“As I wish Woman Corporal McBean well in the performance of her new duties, I am confident about the service she will give because recognition of her abilities must have factored in her selection to be the head of the Federation at this time, after 75 years of male domination of the position,” Minister Grange said.





Minister's charge

Let’s go re-ignited towards a great future for Jamaica with renewed faith, courage and dedication.

Olivia Grange


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