Criteria for the Prime Minister’s Diamond Jubilee Men of Excellence Awards

The Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport is inviting nominations for the Jamaica’s 60 Prime Minister’s Diamond Jubilee Awards, celebrating 60 Men of Excellence in the following categories:


1. Reducing Poverty among At-risk Population in Jamaica

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following:

  • Aided in the development of programmes and policies that increased access to basic services. 
  • Aided in ensuring that poor and vulnerable Jamaicans have equal access to ownership of land and other forms of property. 
  • Enabled communities/individuals to successfully enhance natural resources to benefit the development of Jamaica. 
  • Enabled communities/individuals to reduce their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and environmental disasters.
  • Contributed to the reduction of hunger in Jamaica. 
  • Provided exemplary years of service in building Jamaica’s social protection framework.
  • Successfully led lobbying efforts for the poor and vulnerable.
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Enabling Good Health & Well-being among Men in Jamaica

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Successfully promoted health and nutritional intake of children as an integral part of school curricula.
  • Successfully led campaigns, projects or programmes towards encouraging men to take responsibility for their sexual and reproductive behaviour.
  • Spearheaded successful sports or arts related initiatives towards educating Jamaican males. 
  • Strengthened operations of the health system to provide targeted services to men.
  • Led successful behaviour change campaigns that prompt men to acquire positive health seeking practices. 
  • Provided more than ten years of service in men-centered mental health service delivery. 
  • Strengthened the capacity of men and boys to acquire positive emotional health.
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Improve Access to Quality Education

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Spearheaded sports or culture-related programmes and projects that enhanced boys’ and young men’s access to equitable and holistic education.
  • Enabled Jamaican children to have access to quality education at all levels.
  • Successfully led initiatives that targeted persons with disabilities, indigenous and rural Jamaican men and boys to access quality education.
  • Provided quality service in the education sector. 
  • Spearheaded programmes that enabled unattached young men to gain a second chance towards personal development. 
  • Funded/Raised funds for projects that target young men and boys in Jamaica to re-gain entrance into school system. 
  • Provided years of service in running programmes that provide men-centred extracurricular activities.  
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Empowerment of the Jamaican Boy Child

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Actively aided in Jamaican boys developing positive non-toxic traits. 
  • Led projects and programmes that enable young boys to transition to becoming men who fully participate productively in Jamaican life. 
  • Provided service in crafting and strengthening policies and other interventions that contribute to gender equality and the empowerment of all young boys at all levels of Jamaican life. 
  • Spearheaded community-level projects and programmes that educate young boys and men on becoming model citizens. 
  • Provided years of service in the development and maintenance of discipline in schools across Jamaica. 
  • Successfully raised national-level consciousness on the gender-specific needs of boys in Jamaica’s development. 
  • Conducted research in the area of boys’ development towards contributing to national life.
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Strengthening Jamaica’s Ability to Provide Clean Water to Citizens

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Conducted research on areas relating to clean water and sanitisation.
  • Led initiative to achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.
  • Successfully taught communities how to reduce pollution, eliminate dumping and minimise release of hazardous chemical and materials.
  • Spearheaded advocacy-related work that led to a substantially reduced number of people suffering from water scarcity across Jamaica.
  • Provided years of service in formulating policies or programmes to protect and restore water-related ecosystems including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers and aquifers.
  • Successfully enabled the participation of local communities in improving water management.
  • Provided years of service in water harvesting and water efficiency, as well as wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technologies.
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.



  1. Enabling Access to Affordable & Clean Energy for Jamaicans

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Conducted research in renewable energy.
  • Aided in implementing policies towards improving energy efficiency. 
  • Played an integral role in Jamaica utilising modern and sustainable energy services.
  • Spearheaded successful community projects on clean energy that resulted in a positive change in the knowledge and attitudes of Jamaicans on household energy consumption.  
  • Developed tools to monitor the affordability of energy costs in Jamaica. 
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Phenomenal Achievement in the Creative Sector

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Conducted research towards strengthening the capacity of Jamaica’s creative sector to contribute to sustainable development.
  • Developed and implemented tools to monitor the impact of the creative industries on sustainable development in Jamaica. 
  • Aided in the development of talent in the local creative sector. 
  • Spearheaded projects that produced successful entrepreneurs in the local creative sector. 
  • Done significant work to encourage intellectual property development in the local creative sector.
  • Successful career in the local creative sector that reflects model work ethic and content. 
  • Provided significant years of service in the delivery of content geared towards continuity of any field in the creative sector. 
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.



  1. Sustaining Jamaica’s Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Led activities that strengthened the country’s resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters. 
  • Contributed to the building of a framework for sustainable tourism.
  • Spearheaded projects that achieved improved community-level education, attitudes, and human and institutional capacity on biodiversity, ecosystems and climate change.
  • Conducted research on biodiversity and climate change or disaster management in Jamaica. 
  • Spearheaded successful conservation, restoration and sustainable practices. 
  • Spearheaded campaigns to protect and prevent the extinction of threatened plants and animals.
  • Led successful advocacy that centers the environment into national and local planning. 
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Safeguarding Equality in Industry and Innovation in Jamaica

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Conducted research that strengthened financial inclusion in Jamaica. 
  • Created tools to assess Jamaica’s compliance with developing quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure. 
  • Led efforts to improve the scale or the access of small-scale businesses and other enterprises to thrive in local business sector.
  • Coordinated or led efforts to protect workers’ rights and the Decent Work Agenda in Jamaica.
  • Strengthened the capacity of community and cultural groups to monetise their products/services. Strengthened the capacity of Jamaican consumers.
  • Mobilised resources and entities to enable financial inclusion of young, disabled and otherwise marginalised Jamaicans. 
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Showcasing Positive Masculinity in Digital Media in Jamaica

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Strengthened the capacity of digital media institutions to showcase positive Jamaican masculinity.
  • Led efforts to ensure sustainability of actions taken to reduce negative views on Jamaican masculinity. 
  • Successful media campaigns that promote positive values. 
  • Strong social media presence that promote the gendered needs of men and boys in Jamaica. 
  • Led advocacy related efforts that progressively promote positive Jamaican masculinity. 
  • Conducted research on masculinity in Jamaica.
  • Assisted in identifying and addressing issues related to Jamaican masculinity.
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Sustaining Smart Cities and Communities in Jamaica

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Contributed to the reduction of urban decay in Jamaica. 
  • Provision of successful advocacy on safe, affordable, accessible, sustainable and inclusive transport systems.
  • Conducted research on sustainable human settlement planning in Jamaica.
  • Led projects or programmes that changed behaviours and attitudes on the development of unregulated and unapproved settlements.
  • Led advocacy towards universal access to safe, inclusive, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities.
  • Raised funds for construction of places of care for at risk populations in Jamaica. 
  • Provided years of service in education on areas relating to urban and rural development and planning. 
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Providing Impeccable Service in Security Sector

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Led successful projects and programmes that strengthened community safety and security.
  • Spearheaded projects and programmes that strengthened the capacity of the local police youth clubs. 
  • Strengthened the capacity of the security sector to respond to gender-based violence. 
  • Successfully led projects that enhanced working conditions in the security sector.
  • Led project/programmes that aided in the positive image of local law enforcement. 
  • Provided service in the monitoring and evaluation of the local security sector. 
  • Led successful campaigns that were geared towards eradicating forced labour and human trafficking.
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Preserving Peace, Justice and Human Rights in Jamaica

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following:

  • Improved Jamaica’s ability to reduce abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against children.
  • Led projects or programmes that promoted the rule of law.
  • Developed and implemented effective, accountable and transparent institutions that support peace and justice at all levels.
  • Led successful projects in rural Jamaica that resulted in responsive, inclusive and transformational leadership.
  • Built the capacity of national systems towards preventing abuse of power. 
  • Provision of years of service in alternative conflict resolution, local courts or human rights. 
  • Led campaigns that promoted human rights awareness among Jamaicans. 
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Phenomenal Achievement in Sports

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Led initiatives that strengthened the local sports industry. 
  • Aided in the development of sports and physical fitness programmes for young people in Jamaica.
  • Aided in the development of inclusivity in the local sports sector. 
  • Aided in the development of successful sports careers among local Jamaicans.
  • Built the regulatory capacity of the local sports sector.
  • Provided critical resources and opportunities to junior athletes. 
  • Conducted research on male-centered need in the local sports industry. 
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


  1. Continuous and Stellar Service in the Retention of African Cultural Practices. 

Nominees must have committed more than ten years of service in two or more of the following: 

  • Conducted research on the retention of African cultural practices in religion and other spaces in Jamaica. 
  • Planned and executed successful cultural events that promoted the value of African indigenous knowledge forms. 
  • Designed/executed projects/programmes/curricula that taught young Jamaicans subject matters relating to African history and culture.  
  • Led successful campaigns that promoted the value of African cultural practices to the contemporary Jamaican identity. 
  • Strengthened the capacity of cultural groups in Jamaica. 
  • Done extensive work that resulted in the documentation and understanding of African cultural practices, locally.  
  • Created strong and sustainable partnerships between African states and Jamaica. 
  • Inspirational conduct in field of service.


Click here to download nomination form!


Minister's charge

Let’s go re-ignited towards a great future for Jamaica with renewed faith, courage and dedication.

Olivia Grange


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  4-6 Trafalgar Road

Kingston 5

Jamaica, W.I.

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