Lenford Salmon

Lenford Salmon has been involved at all levels of Jamaica’s performance culture, and has over time gained great insight and knowledge of how it has and continues to shape the Jamaican society, in positive as well as not so positive ways. His passion continues to be public service, giving freely of his time and expertise, especially towards youth mentorship. He describes himself as a Cultural Engineer.

Mr. Salmon has been a part of the Jambiz International team which literally revolutionized Jamaican theatre as it approached the 21st century. Alongside award winning playwright/director Patrick Brown and the late Artistic Director Trevor Nairne, he was a part of the team which was able to firmly establish theatre as an entertainment option of choice by tens of thousands of Jamaicans, extending to the Jamaican Diaspora in the United Kingdom, North America and the wider Caribbean. The team produced over forty of the most memorable and successful theatrical productions staged in Jamaica.

Mr. Salmon also has the distinction of producing more Jamaican National events than any other individual over the past twenty years.

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Minister's charge

Let’s go re-ignited towards a great future for Jamaica with renewed faith, courage and dedication.

Olivia Grange


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