Ministries collaborate to lead activities for Labour Day and Workers’ Week

The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange and the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, the Honourable Desmond McKenzie confer at the Media Launch of Labour Day 2023 The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange and the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, the Honourable Desmond McKenzie confer at the Media Launch of Labour Day 2023 JIS/Rudranath Fraser

Kingston, 10 May 2023 (JIS) - The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, says the activities planned for Labour Day and Workers’ Week 2023 are a true representation of collaboration across government.

Several ministries will be working together for the successful execution of projects that will be undertaken across the island under the theme ‘Plant a tree for life: Promoting climate change mitigation, food security and road safety’.

In addition to Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Andrew Holness and Minister Grange, other Ministers will lead in the implementation of activities.

These are Minister of Labour and Social Security, the Honourable Karl Samuda; Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, the Honourable Desmond McKenzie; Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr.; Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, the Honourable Floyd Green and Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Senator the Honourable Matthew Samuda.

Minister Grange, who was speaking during the recent media launch of the Labour Day and Workers’ Week observances at the Office of the Prime Minister, said that the Ministers will play a role in expressing this year’s theme.

“This year, we have designed a programme of activities, which will see each Minister of Government leading projects not only in constituencies but also in their official ministerial capacities,” she noted.

Minister Grange said that the period of Workers’ Week from May 14 to 23, coincides with the 100th anniversary of the birth of Jamaica’s third Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Hugh Shearer.

In marking this occasion, a special floral tribute is slated for Thursday, May 18, which is the anniversary of his birth, at the National Heroes Park, starting at 9:00 a.m.

“A Hugh Lawson Shearer lecture will also be organised in collaboration with the Hugh Shearer Labour Studies Institute at the University of the West Indies, Mona, and the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union, which Mr. Shearer led,” Minister Grange indicated.

She said that the BITU and the Jamaica Labour Party will organise other activities throughout the year to commemorate Mr. Shearer’s centenary.

Workers’ Week will culminate in the observance of Labour Day, which, this year, will mark 191 years since the hanging of National Hero, the Right Excellent Sam Sharpe, for his role in the 1831 Emancipation War.

As such, Labour Day will begin with two wreath-laying ceremonies in tribute to the National Hero, one in Sam Sharpe Square, St. James (to be led by the Mayor of Montego Bay, His Worship Councillor Leroy Williams) and the other at the Sam Sharpe monument at National Heroes Park, Kingston, led by Minister Grange and the Mayor of Kingston, His Worship Senator Councillor Delroy Williams.

The National Workers’ Week thanksgiving service will be held on Sunday, May 21, at the Church of the Open Bible on Washington Boulevard, beginning at 9:00 a.m.

As is customary, Labour Day activities will end with a concert at Emancipation Park at 7:00 pm.

Minister Grange expressed thanks to the “many people and companies that make Labour Day possible each year. I continue to be grateful for the support of Corporate Jamaica in the execution of projects across the island and will be calling on you again to get involved and help us to make a difference in our communities”.

In addition, the Minister issued an appeal to Jamaicans to register their own projects by visiting the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) website and clicking on the Labour Day banner or by clicking here to register Labour Day projects.


Minister's charge

Let’s go re-ignited towards a great future for Jamaica with renewed faith, courage and dedication.

Olivia Grange


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