Grange: report on Sexual Harassment Act to be tabled on June 8

Kingston, 4 June 2021 - The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, has said that today, June 4, she signed the Report of the Joint Select Committee of Parliament to Consider and report on the Bill entitled, The Sexual Harassment Act 2020.

Minister Grange said, “I signed the Report which is now being distributed for the signatures of the other members of the Committee and it will be tabled when the House of Representatives meets on Tuesday, June 8, 2021.”

The Minister made the announcement as she addressed the Fortieth Meeting of the Caribbean Community’s Council for Human and Social Development on Gender.

The Meeting was dedicated to reviewing the status of the implementation of gender equality commitments in the Region.

“The passage of The Sexual Harassment Act, 2020 will address claims of sexual harassment and deal an effective blow to sexual harassment, thereby putting an end to the longstanding issue where both men and women commit sexual harassment without facing repercussions,” Miss Grange said.

Reporting on the Spotlight Initiative Jamaica Programme, launched on International Women’s Day 2020, the Minister said the Programme was continuing to strengthen the Government’s efforts to end violence against women and girls.

“Financial support is being provided by the European Union and the United Nations Regional Office through the United Nations Population Fund. This support covers psychosocial support and counselling services to victims and survivors of Gender-Based Violence.

“UNFPA provided $12M to support the running of the National Shelter and establishment and renovation of two Regional shelters.

“UNFPA also provided Dignity Kits for distribution to victims who will access the shelter. The kits were comprised of face masks, sanitisers and other hygiene products.

“We have also created knowledge products in Braille, to ensure that the visually impaired will have access to information about the services offered for victims of GBV at the Bureau of Gender Affairs. 

“We continue to work in partnership with private sector organisations, non-governmental organisations and community groups to provide the requisite support to our women, men, boys and girls.”

Minister Grange continued that, “Now, more than ever, we must rely on our people as powerful resources and change agents. Their empowerment is therefore extremely critical to building community and national resilience. We all have our part to play to remove gender inequalities, in not only our country, but worldwide.”


Minister's charge

Let’s go re-ignited towards a great future for Jamaica with renewed faith, courage and dedication.

Olivia Grange


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