The General Conference is the highest level of authority which determines the policies and main line of work of UNESCO. Mr Simataa is using the visit to engage and receive feedback on the implementation of UNESCO funded initiatives.
“Welcome to Jamaica! We are pleased to be among the countries chosen to be included in this historic and important visit,” said Minister Grange at a specially convened meeting at the Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO today (Tuesday).
The Minister said that Jamaica continues to contribute to the work of UNESCO and will increase its collaboration through “greater and increased cooperation with the Cluster Office, membership on UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Bodies and Committees, continued dialogue on establishing physical presence in Paris, establishing a Category 2 Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean in the Creative Industry and Economy as well as proposing of more World Heritage sites.”
Over the past 50 years, Jamaica has been the beneficiary of UNESCO support in the areas of education, culture, communication, information and the sciences.