The Sport Minister told Mr Samuda in a letter that, “I wish you the very best as you embark on your new role as the head of the JOA and look forward to partnering with you and your team for the common good of our beloved country and its athletes at all levels.”
Minister Grange said “I wish for you and your team a successful tenure and look forward to continued close collaboration with the JOA.”
Miss Grange has also congratulated Mr Vishu Tolan who went up against Mr. Samuda for the JOA Presidency, commending him on “a valiant race.”
She said in her letter to Mr Tolan that he had demonstrated his dedication to sport by his contesting of JOA the elections.
For outgoing JOA President, the Honourable Michael Fennell, the Sport Minister reserved applause for his ‘outstanding service.”
“I write to thank you as Minister, and on behalf of the Government of Jamaica for your nearly 40 years of service to the Olympic movement in Jamaica and across the world,” wrote Minister Grange.
She wished Mr Fennell “a well-deserved retirement.”